Urban Central
Urban Central
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2017


GAME OF THRONES S07E04 Comment, Jon Snow on Dragons and The Reincarnation of Azor Ahai

In a swashbuckling series of blood, death and shocking swerves that take on the macabre, Episode 4 is the most intense in recent history. From the sentimental reunion in the North, to the stoic Bran, the Ace marksmanship of Arya and a brimming sibling rivalry that promises to bubble, Episode 4 began with quite a frenzy. It was perfectly aided by Dany telling Jon she will help his cause, only if he bends the knee.

Building on the the blindside tactics of the Lannisters to take on the Tyrels, I didn’t see the heat turning up so fast and burning bright. Nevertheless, despite Dany seeking Jon Snow’s counsel, to which he opposed her using Dragons to wreck carnage, she goes ahead and does just that. But how fitting was the Cinematic depiction of the emergence of that Dothraki horde off the horizon and above that Ridge?? That’s why Game of Thrones is the arguably the greatest Cinematic accomplishment of our time and our children will watch and appreciate it.

For your information, Dany almost lost a Dragon, if she hasn’t. Bron hit the one she was riding. Maybe next time, she’ll take heed to the machinations of luck in war and wouldn’t go all caution to the wind, I make my own luck. But I don’t think Jamie is dead just yet. My question however is, will Bron ever die?

If this episode is anything to go by, Tyrion might just be slowing Dany down because of empathy and humanity; he’s loathe to watching people he once knew burn under pain of agony as the skin peeled from their very flesh. Brotherhood is also a bond forged to last beyond the rivalry of war, especially when indebtedness is involved. Tyrion clamored for Jamie to run as he approached to attack Dany which might have ended in his death even though I think he lives.

What’s Littlefinger’s endgame?

I think he wants royalty and the tide might just have changed for him with Arya’s arrival, a person with an erratic fixation on him, he can’t shake. A mind he can’t cajole with sweet words and sordid manipulations. Arya is his nemesis and if he doesn’t thread right, he’s gonna die.


We’ve only just started and it’s gonna be a season of incredible twists and turns. For. One, even though he doesn’t know it, Jon Snow is taking his first steps into Targaryen royalty. He isn’t just there for the North anymore.

Spoiler: The Dragons will land before him soon and he’ll pat them. He’ll also feel a connection to them.

As for Cersei, that money from Braavos is definitely not coming, but she knows a Dragon’s skin can be penetrated and that’s a plus. I wouldn’t count her out just yet.

In the North, Littlefinger is definitely going to meet sizeable threat that might oust him if Sansa has balls.

Jamie will try and get his brother on his side. But I don’t think it’ll work too.


I’ve been on some rumblings that Jon Snow is in fact the reincarnation of Azor Ahai and I think he’ll ride a Dragon at some point which will bring together the sword and fire from the Azor Ahai prophesies. He also has longclaw, a sword that can kill white walkers. I think he will ride alongside Dany but I think one falls. Who will it be? I think Dany might die, right at the end of the show. Probably in the war against the undead. But that’s just my gut.

However, arguments have been thrown around that Dany is in fact Azor Ahai and she’s already fulfilled the prophecies. In the story of Ahai, he forged the sword Lightbringer for 30 days at first, it shattered when he plunged it in water, then for another 50 days, but it shattered when it slayed a Lion. The next time he forged for a 100 days, he sacrificed his wife by plunging in her heart. He scream fired up the sword. A reddit user mattwee says Dany has fulfilled those prophesies with the exception of the last. The first was her loss to Euron at sea, then her loss at Casterly Rock, the heart of the Lion itself. He sees both as sacrifices and you have to reason with his meticulousness. It’s a bit far fetched, but it could also be her.

This makes me wonder, could Jon and Dany get into a romance? It’s possible. Davos alluded to his admiration of her in S07E04 and in an interview with Kit Harrington, he claims Jon’s unassuming demeanor at his maiden meeting with Dany was about him suppressing his astonishment at her beauty, not her power. It’s true that Targaryens married siblings for decades to keep the bloodlines pure. This is also a possibility.

But then, with Bran privy to the undead’s formation, could he harbor solutions of ease to their death? What does he want to tell Jon? I don’t think it’s just about being a Targaryen either.

Arrrgh. More questions than answers at the end. Sigh.

By PennedMusingsNG for UrbanCentral follow him on twitter @Weird_Liberal

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